Who Deserves Redemption? - A Look at "Frenemies"

Out of this long and tangled relationship has stemmed the greatest collab in Youtube history, “Frenemies”. Sitting apart on their split black and pink set, every week Trisha and Ethan delve into their pasts, engage in trivia, athletic competitions, mukbangs, and drama dumps. There isn’t a lot of game changing content on the show, but the interplay between the two, and their uncontested chemistry, make it a much watch every week.

Woody Allen: Reckoning with the Artist vs. The Art

For context, this was one of the greatest directors' most acclaimed and pivotal work, his second most beloved after “Annie Hall.” I had no broader context, no necessary dialogue explaining that this was a work of its time, or that it was not okay. It was presented as a heady, lovelorn version of a city beloved by its narrator. From a very early stage I was conditioned to believe this was normal.

Content vs. Film: An Essay Response to Martin Scorsese

Even the film lovers that invest time into watching Marvel movies have to wake up to the fact that their films of choice are stifling the competition. You should not have to be an obsessive compulsive nerd completionist to find films you actually want to see. That’s what Scorsese is trying to say, it’s what we all agree should be the reality, and hopefully there will be a shift in the future to denote that wish.

5 Weird Men of Old Hollywood

I recently realized that I didn’t have a companion list to my article 5 Weird Women of Old Hollywood, and I honestly felt a little ashamed. If any gender was capable of weirdness back then, it was the men. Their weird behavior ranged from obsessive cleanliness (Clark Gable) to a need for manipulative control (Alec Guinness) and everything in between.

All of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" Films Ranked

One of the more grisly, imaginative, and consistent franchises was the Nightmare on Elm Street films, which were released between 1984 and 1994. Originally helmed by Wes Craven the series saw child molester and murderer Freddy Krueger entering the dreams of teenagers and killing them to perpetuate vengeance against their parents for burning him alive.

10 Underrated Television Comedies

The best television comedies of all time have basically been decided by the gods of Variety, Slate, The AV Club, and Ranker, so I won’t try to undermine their wisdom on the subject. What I do want to turn your attention to, is the fact that sometimes the weird little quirky comedies of yore have not, and do not, get the respect they deserve.

Mental Illness Depictions in Hollywood Films

Mental illness has become a hot topic of recent conversation in part because of ongoing debates over universal health care and gun control. A major call to action from the left has been to treat mental illness, and to point out that many people with mental illnesses are not violent. Someone should really tell that to Hollywood

10 Reasons to Watch "The Defenders"

Disclaimer: I have not watched all of Daredevil or Iron Fist, mostly because they look really boring. I know that they are the members of The Defenders with the most interesting powers, but they look like two flavorless white boys, and I’m just not interested.

Please Stop Reviving Old TV Shows

New properties are also very expensive, and are more likely to fail than something with a built-in fan base. This also means that without that fan base, a show that was once cancelled will not be revived. (No one is clamoring for a Diagnosis Murder or Grace Under Fire reunion.)